The Psychedelicz Movement...
What Movement Are You Talking About?
Ok, movement is a strong word and it gets thrown around a lot these days. We're not naive, we know that sharing, preserving and collaborating over individualistic artwork won't change the world. Our dream for Psychedelicz is to grow into a community of likeminded, free-spirited, talented and creative INDIVIDUALS.
This movement is all about showcasing creative talent and giving it the permanence it deserves. Too often we find ourselves scrolling past incredible talent on social media and simply double tapping it. What then? It disappears into a web (excuse the pun) of ever expanding wasted brilliance. Hence posters...
We want snapshots of everyday life, sure, but we also want these windows into the mind of creative individuals preserved beyond the scrolling barriers of a screen. When you purchase one of our products, we don't just want you to be happy with a pretty picture you can now hang on your wall. We want you to examine the artwork, feel a connection to the photographer and hopefully view the world from another perspective.
If you'd just like to browse, buy or share that's totally cool... please do! Our movement is for those who crave perspective, connection and creativity.
If you think your artistry has what it takes to make our Pics of The Month and a featured profile piece, submit your work to or simply use #psychmovement on Instagram
Always reach out to us whenever you feel like it, we're here day and night... If you've got something to say we want to hear it!